How do you guarantee closing?2021-05-24T16:52:47-04:00

We guarantee closing on every offer we make. This is easily done because our team gets to know the seller, researches the property, understands current market trends, and has cash ready to close.

How much money will I receive at closing?2021-05-24T16:53:06-04:00

With every offer, our team will explain exactly how payment is provided. The amount of money you will receive at closing varies depending on current mortgage balance, if there is a line of credit or any liens against the property. There may also be transfer taxes, unpaid taxes, or unpaid special assessments on the property.

Our team will help you identify these items and give you an estimate of exactly how much money you can expect to receive. Keep in mind that these expenses are part of almost every transaction. Don’t let others skim over these details and leave you disappointed at closing.

What are the closing fees?2021-05-24T16:53:12-04:00

When you choose to sell your property to us, we will cover the abstract update, title opinion, as well as closing costs. You will be responsible to pay any transfer tax as well as prorated property taxes. Since property taxes are paid a year behind in Iowa. We will need to prorate the current taxes. You will only pay for taxes for the time you owned the property.

If you do not know where your property’s abstract is, we will do everything we can to locate it. On the rare occasion the abstract needs to be rebuilt, that expense will be your responsibility.

What documents will I need to bring (and when/where)?2021-05-24T16:53:27-04:00

Once you return the signed offer, the next step is to find the abstract. If you have it handy, you will bring it to our office along with the signed offer. If a lawyer or abstract company is storing it, simply let us know where and we will get it. If you have no idea where it is, our team will call around in an attempt to locate it.

At closing, you will need to bring a valid government-issued photo ID (i.e. drivers license) and all keys as well as garage remotes for the property.

How fast will it close?2021-05-24T16:53:36-04:00

Once the offer is accepted and signed, we order the abstract update and a title opinion. If any title defects are found, we work with you to resolve them. Once the title is cleared, we set a closing date and begin preparing the legal closing documents. Closing date is usually 2-4 weeks from the time the offer is signed.

Will I have time to think about my offer?2021-05-24T16:55:39-04:00

You won’t find any high pressure sales tactics here. You will have as much time as your desire to consider our offer. If you want to sign our agreement, we even give you an option to rescind within 3 days if you so choose. That’s essentially an “undo” button! We want you to be absolutely comfortable with your decision to work with us.

Are there some properties that you won’t buy?2021-05-24T16:55:44-04:00

Yes, but not many. Sometimes it’s just not a good solution for anyone. We are happy to give you other recommendations and options. Our conversations are free, confidential, and carry absolutely no obligation.

Do not worry about fitting our criteria, we pride ourselves in being upfront and honest. We will never waste your time talking about a property we are not interested in buying.

Do I have other options?2023-03-13T14:22:22-04:00

Of course you do! Some properties should be sold traditionally on the MLS. We will tell you if we think that is right for you. Mitch Coluzzi is a licensed real estate broker as well so he can even offer to list your property traditionally. As always, we discuss all of your options.

Can I leave furniture/debris in the property? Will my stuff be sold?2021-12-29T13:21:20-05:00

You can leave furniture or debris. Our clean out crew will take care of any leftovers. We do not do garage sales.

Do I need to hire an attorney?2021-05-24T16:56:37-04:00

No, we will handle everything and keep you informed every step of the way. However, if you prefer a real estate attorney review any documents, we are happy to refer to a few great ones! 

How did you find me?2021-05-24T16:56:41-04:00

Sometimes property owners call us after seeing our signs, car decals, online ads or after hearing us on the radio.

What will happen to my house?2021-05-27T17:34:23-04:00

There are a few potentials here:

  1. We will keep the property remodel the home. Once remodeled the property will be sold on the market.
  2. We may sell to another investor. With our broad network of local investors that are always looking for properties to fix and flip or hold as a value-add rentals, we help sync the investors up with properties to rehab!

At any rate, we intend to profit. That’s clear from our contract. It’s just how we stay in business and continue to help more sellers get rid of properties they don’t want. :)

How does a closing work?2021-05-24T16:57:35-04:00

After you accept and sign our offer to purchase your property, you will drop it off at our office. If you have your abstract, drop that off too. Otherwise, the team will start searching for the abstract. The abstract is a physical record of ownership of a property.

Once the abstract is located, we will order a title opinion. Assuming there are no title defects, we will then set a closing date and send out a preliminary closing statement. The preliminary closing statement will outline how money you can expect to receive at closing. You will have a chance to review this document and ask any questions before signing off.

On closing day, you will sign the official closing documents and the property ownership will be transferred. You will walk away with a check in the amount specified in the closing statement. No ugly surprises or tricks here!

What is a title? What is an abstract?2023-03-13T14:21:07-04:00

A title is the legal document that specifies the official owner of a property. Iowa is a state that uses abstracts. An abstract is a physical record of the history of ownership of a property.

Before a property changes hands, the abstract must be found. An abstractor or an attorney will update the abstract. Finally, an attorney will give a title opinion meaning that the attorney will identify any title defects that need to be cleared before the sale of the property. Read more about abstracts in our blog post.

What are title defects?2021-05-24T16:57:43-04:00

A title must be clear before the property can be sold. Title defects are issues with the title that need to be resolved or “cleared.” There are a wide variety of potential issues including: incorrect legal descriptions, missing heirs, wills that affect the property, name confusion, unreleased mortgages, liens, and special assessments to name a few.

What is foreclosure?2021-05-24T16:57:48-04:00

The foreclosure process begins when a mortgage goes unpaid. Every missed payment brings you closer to foreclosure. Your bank will usually contact you unless you call them first. It is best to talk with your bank about any financial struggles you may be having before too many payments get missed (or even before the first missed payment) to discuss possible options besides foreclosure.

The process officially starts when the lender records a Notice of Right to Cure. This is a public notice filed by the government saying that the homeowner is behind on mortgage payments. This gives you 30 more days to pay what you owe. When no payment is received after 30 days a Failure to Cure by Proper Times will be recorded. Failure to Cure by Proper Times will be sent to you by certified mail, published in a newspaper, posted on your home, and in a public place (court house). After 30 days of the Failure to Cure by Proper Times is recorded and your house will be available at the sheriff sale. Once the house sells you will no longer own the home. You either must move out or pay rent to the new owner.

The whole foreclosing process usually takes 150 to 180 days. During this time you will be able to stay in the house. It is wise to find another place to stay since getting the house back grows more difficult as the foreclosure process goes on. Missed mortgage payments and foreclosure can damage your credit. Future lenders will be hesitant to give you another mortgage unless the interest rate is very high. For this reason, it is often recommended to rent for a while as you build up your credit again. [Source]

Can’t I just wait for the bank to take my property?2021-05-24T16:57:55-04:00

You could, however the negative impact on your credit report would impact you for nearly a decade. This would also negatively impact you when looking for your next home/apartment or townhome. Landlords often won’t easily rent to folks that have negative housing remarks on their credit.

Why work with a licensed agent?2021-05-24T16:57:59-04:00

Licensed agents are familiar with and abide by local and federal laws. You can rest assured knowing that licensed agents will follow a strict code of ethics.

What are common sales tactics used in the real estate investing industry?2021-12-29T13:22:19-05:00

The most common sales tactic in the real estate investing industry is promising to purchase the home with little to no actual cash to buy. Many “cash buyers” get the property under contract with you, while actively looking to “sell or assign” the contract (for a large fee) to another person/company. This model is referred to as, “wholesaling.” Oftentimes, these contracts are very loosely written and are not binding contracts leaving the potential buyers off the hook if they change their minds.

Another one is buying properties “subject to.” In this scenario, the buyer pays a low price to the seller and begins paying the seller’s mortgage. The mortgage remains in the seller’s name and the buyer gains full ownership rights. This is very risky for the seller since there is no guarantee that the buyer will continue to pay the mortgage. If the mortgage goes unpaid, it’s up to the seller to continue payments. This can also make it very difficult for the seller to apply for another mortgage in the future since the debt remains in their name.

All about bandit signs. Are you guys the ones with the handwritten signs?2021-12-29T13:19:52-05:00

We do have signs around the city, but they are not the handwritten ones you might be seeing near intersections or in other public areas. Sell Now Iowa has professionally printed signs from a local print shop which we place only by permission.

What is a contract reassignment?2021-09-30T17:25:34-04:00

Contract reassignment is exactly what it sounds like: reassigning a contract to another buyer. It is a common practice among wholesalers. Sell Now Iowa chooses not to do any contract reassignments.

Here’s an example. Buyer Billy is a local investor who makes an offer to purchase Seller Sandy’s property for $65,000. Seller Sandy accepts. Before the closing date, Buyer Billy negotiates to sell that same property to Buyer Betty for $70,000. When closing day arrives, the property is sold to Buyer Betty for $70,000, but Seller Sandy only receives $65,000 while Buyer Billy takes home the difference of $5,000.

What is a short sale?2021-08-11T14:52:53-04:00

A short sale is when the lender or mortgage company allows you to sell your house for less than what is owed on the loan. This can only be accomplished by working with a licensed Realtor. When the house is sold, all of the proceeds go towards the loan and the seller is left with the remaining loan balance. The lender may forgive this balance or the borrower (seller) may be required to pay it back.


How does the Sheriff sale work?2021-05-24T16:59:15-04:00

A sheriff sale is the final step in the foreclosure process. Once the property has reached the Sheriff sale and is sold, the property is no longer yours.

What is the difference between a wholesaler and a wholetailer?2021-12-29T13:23:01-05:00

Wholesalers don’t actually purchase the properties they make offers on. They try to sell “the contract” you entered into to another investor before it closes. This is often done through an “Assignment of Contract” with an assignment fee paid on top of what you agreed to sell your home for!

On the other hand, a “wholetailer” will purchase the property themselves from you. From there they typically do the necessary value-add improvements to make it easier for the end buyer to handle. End buyers could be another investor who will do additional repairs, rent it out as-is, or even an owner occupant.

What does it mean to sell a property “subject to?”2021-05-24T16:59:23-04:00

Sell Now Iowa does NOT practice purchasing any property “subject to.”

Any property with a mortgage may be purchased “subject to.” When an investor makes an offer to purchase a property “subject to,” they will often take into consideration the remaining mortgage balance. This can make their offer look appealing, but it carries a lot of risk. You will be left responsible for a mortgage on a property that is not deeded to you.

An investor looking to purchase your property “subject to” will paint a very rosy picture. They may promise to make future payments on your behalf (and maybe even catch up any missed payments!). They will boast that this will rebuild your credit and that it’s a great way for YOU to make money. They will likely inform you that it is all totally legal, and in some cases it might be. That being said, this path carries a great deal of risk! In reality, they lack the available funds or experience to actually invest in your property so they are asking you to take the risk for them.

Let’s talk about the risk. The mortgage remains in your name. Your credit may improve assuming this investor continues making payments. BUT keep in mind that there is no way to force them to pay. When you sell “subject to,” you will usually give the investor the deed to the property. This means the buyer owns the property and can do whatever they want with it. They may choose to begin renovations or even rent it out to a tenant all the while you are responsible for the mortgage payments if they fail to pay. This can get messy in a hurry!

If the investor decides to resell the property, there is no guarantee that they pay off the mortgage when the next buyer purchases it. They could take the money from closing and just walk away leaving you in a worse situation than before.

Another risk in selling “subject to” is difficulty in applying for loans or mortgages in the future. This mortgage will continue to haunt you and show up as a liability on your credit report until the investor pays it off as agreed or you do.

Are there times when selling “subject to” is a good idea? Sometimes. Selling a property “subject to” MIGHT work if you are selling to someone who you completely trust such as a family member or good friend. We HIGHLY recommend seeking legal assistance if you consider selling your property “subject to.” Iowa Legal Aid is a very low cost place to start.

One thing to remember is that unlike “assuming a mortgage,” an investor who purchases a property “subject to” did not have to formally qualify to make those payments. You will have no way of knowing if they are financially able to cover the mortgage payments. Your financial future deserves much more than empty promises and uncertainty.

What does “assume a mortgage” mean?2021-05-24T16:59:24-04:00

This is not the same as selling a property “subject to.” When a buyer assumes the seller’s mortgage, the lender is involved and must approve the buyer. This means that the buyer will have to prove that they are able to make the mortgage payments.

Sell Now Iowa
Based on 83 reviews
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Aaron RodriguezAaron Rodriguez
20:30 04 Oct 24
The team at SoldFast are very friendly and knowledgeable. There were very helpful and it was a pleasure working with them.
Anne MarchantAnne Marchant
22:54 26 Sep 24
How i wish i would have contacted this company initially. They market under Cash for your home but they have so much expertise and options to consider for your specific situation. Plus they provide education on the market and recommendations up front. My realtor was vanilla flavored and willing to accept what the market offers. These people know how to price and drive business! Don’t make the mistake i made. Call them!
Ana CruzAna Cruz
13:04 24 Aug 24
Rebecca HillRebecca Hill
01:36 17 May 24
Sell Now Iowa simplifies home selling and buying. They were honest, timely, and had very knowledgeable staff. They assisted in the simultaneous sell and purchase of my two homes. If you want a fast, dependable sale, Sell Now Iowa is your source. Friendly, professional, and dependable.
dace millerdace miller
16:29 02 May 24
After consulting with realtor I decided to see to sell Now Iowa, could not be happier! So easy to work with, Thank you Sell Now Iowa!
Michael CarlsonMichael Carlson
02:19 30 Apr 24
The Sell Now Iowa team helped my mother sell her house, and they were excellent to work with. They were prompt, respectful, and transparent. They provided several options with a clear explanation of each, and allowed my mother to respond and schedule the closing on her own time. The whole process was very easy and straight-forward. We couldn't be happier!
Waleed AlobaediWaleed Alobaedi
14:48 13 Mar 24
Sell Now Iowa is a great option for homeowners and businesses owners who want to sell their property and looking to get the most money for their property. They offer a quick and easy closing process with a team of experienced professionals highly recommended them solid choice for homeowners and business owners looking to get the most cash. Their streamlined process and experienced team ensure a smooth closing.
Ezequiel ZimEzequiel Zim
15:13 17 Feb 24
Our experience working with Sell Now Iowa was amazing. Everyone in their team was dedicated to making the experience as easy and stress-free as possible. They made us a fair offer and we were able to close the sale in just 2 weeks time. Everything went smoothly and communication was great throughout the entire process. We were able to clearly see that they cared about us and that they wanted to do the best to help us out in our situation. We can’t thank them enough for everything they did for us and we will recommend them to all our friends and family.
Aquila SlettenAquila Sletten
14:56 18 Jan 24
Very helpful and responsive on the subject matter.
david collogandavid collogan
18:22 16 Dec 23
Our Sell Now Iowa experience was great on all levels. We had a prompt response after I emailed for a consultation. Mitch and Bob are very knowledgeable and helpful. We ended up selling our home FSBO after reviewing our options. Mitch had helpful advice and great contacts that he shared as we successfully sold our home without a realtor. He checked in with us a few times over the next weeks to ensure we had what we needed. I had a great experience and I recommend the Sell Now Iowa team if you are considering selling your home.
Sharon FarrellSharon Farrell
20:10 09 Nov 23
We were very pleased with the entire team. We felt the whole process was kept simple and very satisfied. Erick and Jen treated us with the upmost professional courtesy. We would highly recommend your business to anyone. Thank you for your prompt help.
Traci NeadesTraci Neades
18:01 07 Oct 23
Could not more about our experience, they went above and beyond to make this a seamless process and it was a pleasure to do business with them. We would highly recommend.
Angie DonaheyAngie Donahey
22:51 13 Sep 23
Sell Now Iowa made selling a house so easy.
Carol BrightCarol Bright
16:57 18 Aug 23
Not complicated, easy to understand , family owned! No surprises!
David AndersonDavid Anderson
01:12 10 Aug 23
Couldn't have done better by us. From beginning to end. Wouldn't think twice about giving them another call.
Gina BreitsprecherGina Breitsprecher
15:55 27 Jul 23
Very thorough and efficient.
Amanda UlrichAmanda Ulrich
02:38 30 Jun 23
I heard their commercial on the radio and gave them a call. Mitch got back to me quickly and we made an appointment for him and Bob to stop over at our property.Mitch and Bob made us feel very comfortable. I really appreciated their honesty, how they treated us, and their results.This family has this process down. We enjoyed meeting Erick and Jen as well! You guys have such a great family we really enjoyed the process. Thank you for being honest people and thank you for pulling through exactly what you said you would. We highly recommend this team!
Rod TaylorRod Taylor
17:00 05 May 23
It’s hard to put into words what it feels like to go from believing you are stuck in a house that’s falling apart, and that you have grown to hate, to getting to a place where you feel like someone actually cared about you and wanted to help you get free of your worries. There offer was very acceptable and now we are free of our burdens and ready to start the next chapter in our life. The owners worked with us from start to finish & it’s hard to imagine now, as we look back, going with any other company than this one. I will end this by saying, that I would suggest everyone who’s at least considering selling to reach out to them & hear what they have to say as they do not pressure you into anything.Thanks for everything guys,Rod T
Amy Kenna DavisAmy Kenna Davis
19:07 25 Apr 23
Such a great company to do business with. Right away very comfortable with all walk thrus, offer and closing. They gave us a piece of mind since we had relocated out of state. Highly recommend.
Gale WolkosGale Wolkos
01:23 24 Mar 23
Jen took the time to help me sort out a blunder with the recorders office that was causing me such stress. I had tried over and over to find who to call to fix my problem and constantly hit dead-ends. The team graciously discussed my options and I was treated with the upmost respect through the entire process. The Sell Now Iowa team is truly top notch.
Tammy WoollumsTammy Woollums
00:02 17 Jan 23
Started the process a week ago and I'm closing my house on February 2...You have made this process extremely easy for me I appreciate everything!I have read all of the reviews and I can honestly say everything that has been said is true.Thank you Mitch and team!!
Amy GrossAmy Gross
12:30 14 Jan 23
Mitch is one heck of a human! He cares so much about educating others in all things real estate. My daughter spent a week interning in his office and said that his skills are top-notch. She couldn't say enough good things about Mitch and his team at Sell Now Iowa. If you need to sell a house, I'd highly recommend Mitch and his team at Sell Now Iowa. One of a kind, for SURE!
Andy JAndy J
19:08 12 Jan 23
Complete honesty with NO PRESSURE, as they wanted to bring the best outcome for the homeowner! They quickly responded to any questions and gave invaluable suggestions on improvements that could make the house more marketable (in case I took the house to market instead of selling to them). I fully recommend them to anyone looking to sell their property quickly!
Elke WithersElke Withers
13:08 06 Jan 23
They have this down to a science. It was a painless process to a painful situation. I recommend them for anyone who feels overwhelmed with the idea of selling a home. Even just to call and consult with, they bring a wealth of knowledge and do not pressure you into anything you don’t want or are unsure about. This team including Mitch and Jen were helpful, compassionate and transparent. Would recommend them to my friends and family.
Paul NealPaul Neal
14:28 15 Nov 22
Mitch and his father Bob as well as the rest of the team were very helpful and informative during the process of discussing options for my home. Although the deal wasn’t right for me at this time, there was no pressure from them and they were very helpful.
Brian HartBrian Hart
23:05 18 Aug 22
These comments are from Roger Hart. My experience with Sell Now Iowa was outstanding and they were all very prompt and professional. I would recommend this company to anyone wishing to sell their home in an "as is condition". Mitch and his team were excellent in guiding me through the process and preparing me for what was the next upcoming step. Kudos and many thanks from the Hart family,
Ashley JacksonAshley Jackson
16:41 27 Jun 22
What started out to be a simple sell, snowballed into a massive mess.The team at Sell Now were very patient and professional. Offering help wherever they could. Even offered their own resources to get the deal done.I would definitely recommend their services to anyone looking to sell quickly and for cash!Thanks to Mitch, Bob, Lesa, and the rest of the Sell Now team!
Beverly BrownBeverly Brown
20:32 08 Jun 22
Jake and Bob arriving at my house to look it over was a godsend. I had put my house of for sale at least 3-4x over the last 5-6 years and I kept having to drop the price. This time they saved the day and it was great talking with them. In the office, I met Eric, Leesa, Kelley, and Mitch. They had the paperwork ready for me to sign in a week and I'm closing within 30 days after contact. They paid me a fair price and I'm happy!!! They have a great office over on Meredith too.
Cathy CCathy C
00:17 07 Apr 22
They made the entire process as painless as possible without any high pressure tactics. I felt like I had as much control as I wanted throughout the process and never felt like I was being taken advantage of. Mitch presented me with all of my options some of which did not include Sell Now. I was extremely happy with the way things worked out. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to sell or looking for help with what their next steps might be. Thank you for making things a less stressful for me during an emotional time.
Ken MikesellKen Mikesell
18:58 27 Dec 21
The team at Sell Now Iowa was very professional in visiting with me about marketing my property. Bob and Jake initially met with me for a tour to help obtain information and photos of the home. They were prompt and explained the details of their process and provided a brochure to me. As a follow up, Mitch called and discussed options I could use in marketing the property. The options did not necessarily include using Sell Now Iowa. I appreciated their integrity and assistance in helping me before going forward in this process. Thank you! Kenny
Melissa BaconMelissa Bacon
02:42 08 Nov 21
I sold my house to an investment company, or so I thought. The night before closing I was informed we couldn’t close and because of this they would be paying less and that number kept going down. I knew my house needed work but I was not about to give it away even though I had already moved out and now have two houses to pay for! I reached out to numerous companies and Mitch sent some people out right away to take a look. Mitch made me an offer but listened when I had said I needed more. So instead of walking away he sent another company my way, because he knew they would be able to get me where I needed to be. I will be closing on the sale of my house soon. Even though Sell Now Iowa did not buy my house they did help me in finding the right buyer for my situation. Mitch - Thank you very much for all the help and for checking in on the progress.
marshall sherwoodmarshall sherwood
22:24 07 Nov 21
I have talk to Mitch and he is very knowledgeable hope to do more business in the future
It’s MeIt’s Me
20:58 24 Oct 21
I contacted them to, possibly, sell, and to get an idea of what I’m dealing with. They showed up when they said they would, and, have kept in contact with me, and seem very sincere. When I make the final decision to sell, I will use Mitch!
Matthew GibsonMatthew Gibson
22:37 14 Oct 21
Mitch and his team are great to work with! They are kind and courteous and you can tell they really care about the people they represent!
Jeff NydeggerJeff Nydegger
16:07 30 Aug 21
Getting to know Mitch, his team and his family over the year last year has been a real pleasure of mine. I’ve experienced the inner workings of how they conduct their business but also how they conduct themselves personally, a real class act. I love the fact that they put family first and employ many family members in key roles throughout the organization. I would highly recommend working with Mitch and his team.
Blake SoreanoBlake Soreano
03:51 22 Aug 21
Sell Now Iowa,is the servant leader of the region. They move quick and serve people from a place of honesty and trust. Hard to find these days. Give them a call if you need to sell!
Rashawn LovejoyRashawn Lovejoy
14:40 12 Aug 21
I’ve had a great experience with Sell Now at Coluzzi Construction. They have been very helpful, professional, expedient, and thorough. I greatly appreciate all the help and support through my buying experience.
Ann McCleearyAnn McCleeary
01:55 11 Aug 21
I am grateful to know Mitch and his team at Sell Now Iowa as well as being able to work with them! They are professional, knowledgeable, and caring about helping and taking care of people!Follow up is key and is something they are definitely on top of to make sure people are well taken care of whether in purchasing a home; selling a home; or developing other leaders who work with them.Mitch has helped me grow with knowledge and advice in how to help homeowners in different kinds of situations from probate to tear downs to many other situations.I would recommend Mitch and his team as people to go to for knowledge and advice in how to help homeowners in the best way possible!
dadiram rizaldadiram rizal
00:53 29 Jun 21
Mitch owner of Sell Now Iowa is person of integrity and honesty. Let me tell public first landlords to open housing for first time Serian Refugees. He has heart bigger then state of taxes. Highly recommended to anyone who want to work with him or do business with him. It’s my honored for partnerships. I can’t thank enough for all his work. I’m so blessed to work with such professional personnel in my life-time.
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